Knowledge is power.

Can a single massage therapy session “fix” me?

There’s no definite answer to this question – clients vary with different ailments, some chronic, some intermittent.

Some people walk away from a single massage therapy session feeling immediate relief, others have felt a physical improvement from their massage session the next day or a few days later, and some have required a series of regularly scheduled massage therapy sessions in order to notice significant improvements.

It’s important to speak with Temisa before or during your appointment about your ailments and your expectations, so she can help you understand the benefits she anticipates you’ll receive and how soon you can expect those benefits from your massage therapy treatments.

While it’s ultimately up to you to decide whether you want a single session or a series of sessions, if you plan to return more frequently you can take advantage of series packages or a monthly Body and Balance Membership.

What Massage Therapy Technique Would Work Best for Me?

The technique that works best for you depends on how you’re feeling when you come in for your massage therapy treatment. Along with your body history, health conditions, etc. Unlike other spas that charge extra for advanced massage techniques like deep tissue or Shiatsu, Body and Balance has set our pricing and have generally chosen not to charge extra for advanced techniques.

The only thing that their clients need to worry about is how long they want their massage therapy session to last. Everything else, including what techniques are used to treat each client, is left for us to decide after you have communicated what kind of problems you’re having. You can always request a specific type of massage and confirm ahead of time that we specialize in that technique.

What are contraindications and what do they mean in massage therapy?

In massage therapy, contraindications are restrictions on what kind of massage treatments can be offered to a client based on medical factors. Generally, if you’re feeling sick or not well, massage therapy may actually make you feel worse than you already are; that’s why we suggest to not make a therapy appointment when sick. If you have any sort of medical conditions, then there may be restrictions on your massage therapy treatments.